Roles and Responsibilities:

1.The primary objective of the cell is to provide assistance to students belonging toBackward Communities (OBC), BC, and MBC, aiding them in achieving academicsuccess and accessing financial benefits provided by the government.
2.The cell is tasked with closely monitoring the strict implementation of reservationpolicies in accordance with UGC guidelines, ensuring fair opportunities for alleligible students.
3.One of the key goals is to integrate and promote students from OBC, BC, and MBCcommunities into the mainstream student body, fostering inclusivity and equalparticipation.
4.The cell aims to establish a platform where students can voice their academic andnon-academic concerns, facilitating their resolution and ensuring a conducivelearning environment for all.
5.Regular monitoring of the reservation policy's implementation within the institution isconducted to uphold fairness and equity in admissions and opportunities.
6.Continuous observation of the reservation policy for OBC, BC, and MBCcommunities within the institution is maintained to address any discrepancies andensure compliance.
7.The committee frequently engages with students and faculty members from OBC,BC, and MBC communities to understand their challenges and provide necessaryassistance in resolving them.
8.Efforts are made to create awareness among OBC, BC, and MBC students aboutvarious government and non-government scholarship schemes available to them.
9.OBC, BC, and MBC students are counselled and guided to effectively utilize thebenefits offered by government and UGC schemes, enabling them to maximize theireducational opportunities and potential.


S. No. Name Role Designation
1. Dr. Jeyakumar M Chairman Principal
2. Dr. S Lokesh Convener Assistant Professor
3. Dr. N R Gayathri Member Associate Professor
4. Dr. M. Raja Member Assistant Professor
5. Mr. Perumalsamy V Member Assistant Professor